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4-channel TC meter and datalogger project
Hey guys, I have a Linux based PID based on the 9800 and the 3422. I used the TypeK class that your project used and am still in development. Still a long way to go.



ginny wrote:
If I want to use my PowerBook G4 with one of these what is it I need. This particular Mac is running current software and would be dedicated to my roaster/s.

Cool! First we need to know which model you have. Check out this link and compare with your unit. Also, maybe it makes sense to start a new thread for "TC4 on a MAC" ? http://support.ap...cale=en_US

Next, go to the 'Processing' page and download the software and see if it will run -- try one of their examples. Then we'll see how to proceed next. http://processing...
OK, I downloaded software earlier so I could check it out.

I have the Power Book G4 (17-inch), (17-inch 1.33GHz), (17-inch 1.5GHz)

all ports checked and they as they should be. Sorry I forgot that part.

Will start new thread and hanks for your support. I plan on using this on my Q3 to start.

I thought my PB G4 was going south so my sister sent me a Mac Book Pro, loaded so I can use the older G4 to run this very cool stuff for roasting.





ginny wrote:

I thought my PB G4 was going south so my sister sent me a Mac Book Pro, loaded so I can use the older G4 to run this very cool stuff for roasting.



Nice sister!

Interest in the TC4 boards has been phenomenal this week. It doesn't look like the current batch of boards is going to last more than just a couple more days.

I think I've got PayPal set up to stop accepting orders when the inventory runs out, but that is not an easy thing to test for obvious reasons.

I have some travel plans later this month, so unfortunately that is going to force a delay in ordering the next round of boards.

As of this writing, there are still 4 bare boards, 1 SMD-populated board, and 3 fully-built boards available at the link below.


If you go to the link above and find out that they are sold out, then I have things set up on BatchPCB where you can order a TC4 board directly from them. They charge $11.84 per board (I rounded it to $12), plus a setup fee, plus shipping. Here is the link, in case someone wants to go that route.


Edited by JimG on 03/13/2011 11:20 PM
I have a quick question regarding TC placement for ET and BT on a P1.

I thought a TC on the chamber for BT but was wondering where people with similar roaster place the TC for ET. I was thinking on the heater block somewhere but don't want to cause a short or burn up the TC insulation.

Any suggestions are welcome.



prs16001 wrote:
I have a quick question regarding TC placement for ET and BT on a P1.

I thought a TC on the chamber for BT but was wondering where people with similar roaster place the TC for ET. I was thinking on the heater block somewhere but don't want to cause a short or burn up the TC insulation.

Any suggestions are welcome.


Hi Pete
This came up in my Kona PID thread, you might want to look at the posts aobut a P1 and TC placement.

JimG: The boards arrived today. Very nice work. Still need to order some parts to get them fully operational.

Mark -

I've seen your excellent posts on other fora, so I am expecting great things from you with the TC4 B)

Thanks for the moral boost! So far I've gotten two LEDs dimming on a bread board connected to my Arduino UNO, so I've got a little ways to go.

My first real project maybe a PID for my Original Bradley smoker. This would use the UNO, TC4 and the LCD board all in a separate enclosure.

When you layout the next LCD board, could you bring out the chip selects to a solder tab so people can select the I2C board address? (I think one of the selects is in a through hole under the pre-soldered chip). That way we could at least easily change the address if there was a conflict. (Yeah, it's unlikely but choice is always good).

Will do.

Whooo hooo!

Got the demo1 running on the TC4 board. Is there a better thread to chat about questions with the TC4 and LCD board?

I've only connected a thermocouple to tc4, all 4 channels appear to get a reading. At least things change when I touch the end of the thermocouple. smile

# logger08b: 4-chan TC
# time,ambient,T0,T1,T2,T3
# mcp9800 Config reg OK

Argh.... I got a 3.3 V lcd panel... oh well, there are some more parts I need anyway. What are the GPB7 points on the LCD v3.3 board for? The LCD I got looks like it would fit your V1.00 board with the 16 pins in a row. The newer v3.3 has 6 pins and 6 pins . . . guess I need to find the exact LCD if I want to mount it via the headers.

The LCD BOM has two wattages for R2-R7, 1/4 and 1/2, I can't image the ones to the switches needing 1/2 watt. Not as sure about the others.

Thanks in advance,



mhoy wrote:
What are the GPB7 points on the LCD v3.3 board for?

Those points break out the pins for the remaining unused port on the 23017 chip. They could be used to support something off-board, like another button, an LED, etc. Nothing is planned for them at the moment.


mhoy wrote:
The LCD I got looks like it would fit your V1.00 board with the 16 pins in a row. The newer v3.3 has 6 pins and 6 pins . . . guess I need to find the exact LCD if I want to mount it via the headers.

No differences, actually. On the previous 16-pin configuration, the middle 4 pins were not used (the software is using the LCD controller's 4-bit parallel interface option). I got tired of soldering those unused pins, so I left them off. The LCDapter is laid out to fit a 16-pin LCD panel.


mhoy wrote:
The LCD BOM has two wattages for R2-R7, 1/4 and 1/2, I can't image the ones to the switches needing 1/2 watt. Not as sure about the others.

1/4 watt is fine for all of them. I can only guess that I picked the resistor catalog numbers based on physical size and price, and some of them just happened to be 1/2 watt?

Jim, it looks like your PayPal setup worked - it told me that you're out of the SMD-soldered LCDapter boards. Can you confirm?



aindfan wrote:
Jim, it looks like your PayPal setup worked - it told me that you're out of the SMD-soldered LCDapter boards. Can you confirm?


Sad, but true :|

I've got plenty of the bare LCD boards, and just received a shipment of components from Digikey. But I have a spring trip coming up and probably won't be able to squeeze in a reflow session for a couple of weeks.

Aside from several of the bare LCD boards, the only things I have ready to ship are one (1) bare TC4 board, and one (1) fully built TC4.

Hello! So I am a moderately tech-savy guy who is working on building up the TC4 with LCD. I will have help with assembly/execution but I'm buying the parts on my own. (Thank you so much for putting together the BOM!)

I'm trying to order the Molex Breakaway headers for the LCDapter, but Mouser seems to be out of them. (Mouser part # 538-22-28-4285) The alternatives I've found don't seem to breakaway. Can anyone refer me to a part# at Mouser that will work? Thanks a million!

Edit: looks like two of 538-22-28-4165 would work?
Edited by drip_kid on 03/17/2011 7:30 PM


drip_kid wrote:
looks like two of 538-22-28-4165 would work?

Those look good.

The headers are probably the least critical of all the components on the board, and there are a lot of options for sourcing.

Sparkfun has them, too.

There is also this option for a 40-pin header from Mouser:

Thanks, Jim! I just made a lame mistake and ordered all the other components from Sparkfun, DigiKey etc before I ordered from Mouser (....and I forgot to look for headers elsewhere before I placed all the other orders)

Very excited! Thanks again for making this project feasible and simple for an electronic rookie like me.
I got my TC4 board in the mail today. A big thank you to Jim and Bill!! I'm impressed with the quality of the board.

Definitely a step up from my usual stripboard projects! You guys have saved me a lot of time and work. I almost feel guilty for being so lazy. smile

Hopefully I can get it talking to a picaxe microcontroller and part of a PID roast controller.

Thanks again ThumbsUp


greencardigan wrote:
You guys have saved me a lot of time and work. I almost feel guilty for being so lazy. smile

I know what you mean -- I generally have to make do with bare-bones picmicro's myself for my day job -- the Arduino and all of its 'batteries included' libraries can spoil you -- run on down to the store and pick up an Arduino -- you know you want one... just as a 'diagnostic aid'. :-)
I've been reading the data sheet for the MCP3424 ADC device and am interested to know how you are using it in Bourbon.

Continuous conversion mode or one shot mode?
12, 14, 16 or 18 bit conversions?
Programmable gain amplifier setting?

And also for the MCP9800 temp sensor.

Conversion resolution?
1 shot or continuous conversion?

Edited by greencardigan on 03/25/2011 4:48 AM
From the code I saw they did one-shot for everything at the highest bit rates and gain.

Personally I didn't bother with one shot. On continuous mode the chips sample about every 240ms. So you can just set it to continuous and sample no faster than every 240ms.

As for the gain, I don't know the advantages or disadvantages.
In the early days, I tried lots of different settings and combinations. I'd say the best way to know for sure aBourbon is to double-check the source and libraries. I think it is one-shot mode on everything and 12-bit for ambient and 18-bit, max gain for TC readings. About the gain -- for 18-bit TC readings, even with max gain you won't exceed the 2 volt max, so may as well get as much 'precision' as available.

Since the Ardunio has nothing else to do, running one-shot mode makes for easy 1-second updates.

But do try whatever approach you like, and let us know your outcome.
Edited by bvwelch on 03/25/2011 10:27 PM
Ok I'll look through the bourbon code. I also need to see how the codes get converted to temps etc.

I got a picaxe 28X2 talking to the eeprom on the TC4 shield tonight so I'm on the right track.


Many thanks for your patient replies to my questions last month; unfortunately I've had to put arduino control of the hottop on the back burner for the time being, because I just can't find the time at present. I'm pretty much out of the picture for the next to months.

A quick question about the LCD. I tried connecting it to the parallel connector on the TC4 but the LCD is completely dead. Have I connected it wrongly? I have a Displaytech 204B 20x4 (should be a standard interface as far as I know), connected as follows:

Gnd - Gnd (pin 1)
5V - VDD (pin 2) (or do I need pin 3, or both?)
RS - RS (pin 4)
EN - E (pin 6)
DB4 - DB4 (pin 11)
DB5 - DB5 (pin 12)
DB6 - DB6 (pin 13)
DB7 - DB7 (pin 14)

The backlight is unconnected at present. I have three of these devices, which are supposed to be working, and they all do nothing. In the datasheet pin 3 is marked VO, Input voltage for LCD, while pin 2 is marked VDD, 5V, Supply voltage for logic.

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