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Has anyone tried building a drip brewer?
I've been shopping for a drip brewer for awhile now. I'm obsessing over the proper temp at the head but the thought of spending $300 is awful. I'm in the planning phase of building my own. I was thinking of a kettle on a hotplate with perhaps copper tubing coming out of the spout and ending up in a funnel upturned on a Melitta pour over cone. I'm thinking if the tube is allowed to preheat, the steam delivered to the grounds should be in the 205 region. Have any of you all tried building such a thing. I can't seem to find much on google or elsewhere. Any tips or thought would be appreciated. I've also got my roaster built and yielding fantastic results and I can't wait to share those pictures and stats. Thanks!!
The operation was a success.... but the patient died!
water dosen't steam at coffee brewing temp.

PID controlling an SSR that your heating element is hooked too. drop the probe in the water turn it on and wait till the waters hot.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
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