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"TC4 on a MAC"
Hello all:

since I never throw anything out I have burial grounds of mac's, wires, cables etc and when I read through this thread I realized I could use this concept with my Q3 and a Mac Power Book G4.

So her e are and I will take you through each stage as I do it, yes with pictures.


Which OS are you running on your MAC?

Please confirm that you've download and successfully ran both

1) Arduino IDE: http://arduino.cc...


2) Processing.org : http://processing...

the reason for the above is to make sure your OS supports a recent version of Java which Arduino IDE and Processing.org require.

Next step would be to buy an Arduino board and plug it in -- better -- borrow one from a neighbor/friend/student?
Edited by bvwelch on 03/12/2011 9:57 PM

10.5.8 on the G4, I am sure I can update to 10.6.6, I think.

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