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holiday swaap
Please count me in this year.
Well now........ that's not suppose to happen!


dja wrote:
I see Scott has chosen to join us with his MH-1.

well John I'll keep a spot open for you in case you get to wanting to play in that basement laboratory of yours that you call a roasting room.

So were at
and a maybe for John.

As far as pictures of the roasters I'll say go ahead of you want to throw in a picture, probably be a little better if we could maybe just post a link to some really good pictures so that everyone could see them, but I'll leave that up to the people doing the roasting.

OK looks like I better update this sorry for not doing it sooner, I think Chad sent me a virus along with the green beans.

But from looking at the post I see that Farmroast and Gregman have elected to join the rest in for this swap.

As someone else has already posted join in for the fun and find out how some of the others roast their coffees.

I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
its getting close to the date to draw names for the pairing, but there is also still plenty of time to get your name in on this.
So get you names signed up.

Sorry for sort of dropping the ball on keeping this this in the top of the message list so people will see it as something that is active.

I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
I think Allen and andrewbird are in as well
Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, ECM Synchronika w/ Flow Control
I've only got about 40 roasts under my belt and only a few of them were with my new Behmor, but I have some nice beans I want to roast. Maybe you could pair me up with another noob and we could work something out. If nothing else, I would be willing to be an "alternate" and if you end up with an odd number of names you could throw my name in.
William Sikes
Bill - don't worry about who you get paired with. This is gonna be fun and if you get with someone experienced you will get some great beans and great feedback on your own roast!

Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, ECM Synchronika w/ Flow Control

40 Roast, sounds like whoever you get pair with is in for a treat. If you want in let me know so I can add your name to the list.
The way it works is on a certain date 19 November (cause thats the date I picked I will print every ones name out on a sheet of paper, then cut them out and drop em in a pickle jar (cause thats what I got) and will depending on how many names there are draw two seperate rounds with the second round layed down with the first without looking at any of the slips till all are pulled from the jar. Then I will post the pairings. after that its up to each member of the pair to get their snail mail to the other half.

the Bean you roast is up to you to chose, if you want to send half a pound roasted and half green thats fine with me as long as you send a pound.

You do not have to be an expert roaster to enter this it is not a contest it is a SWAP, I had the same thoughts for my first couple of years before I entered. And when I finally did enter last year my roaster decided to crap out and I had to fall back onto my old tired but faithfull SCGC came through for me and we got my beans roasted and in the mail. So don't be afraid if you want in let me know and I will add your name to the list.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
Updated list stands at
So were at
and a maybe for John. any change in your status?
Bill, let me know if you want out

if I missed anyone let me know again please, had some things come up that have my mind elsewhere at the moment but I think I got everyone
Edited by dja on 11/12/2011 10:35 PM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
I definitely want in... thanks.
William Sikes
John Despres


dja wrote:

and a maybe for John. any change in your status?

I think I'm going to bow out this year. I have a huge job that starts with weeks of prep and ends on Dec 11. It's an annual event that gets bigger and bigger every year. Then I'm hoping to get some much needed hernia repair on the 12th.ThumbsUp

To give an idea, I typically buy my coffee during this job from an outstanding local roaster. That's how busy I am.

Respect the bean.
John Despres
Fresh Roast 8, Gene Cafe, JYTT 1k, Quest M3, Mazzer Mini, Technivorm, various size presses and many more brewers.
Updated list stands at
So we're at

if I missed anyone let me know again please, had some things come up that have my mind elsewhere at the moment but I think I got everyone.

With John bowing out, we have eleven people so far, there is still one week left to get your name in the pickle jar.

Edited by dja on 11/13/2011 2:56 PM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
I've only got about 35 roasts so far, and I only started drinking coffee 3 weeks ago, (was roasting for my friends and family but could not get any good cupping feedback) so I started drinking dbl shots. Drinking this stuff makes me into a roasting tyrannosaurus. Getting back to the swap, I'll be your huckleberry.

So Mark you saying you want in on the swap, or you just want to be a huckleberry?
There's about four days left before I draw the names and everyone fines out who they will be paired with.
Edited by dja on 11/16/2011 11:53 AM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette


mk1 wrote:
I've only got about 35 roasts so far, and I only started drinking coffee 3 weeks ago, (was roasting for my friends and family but could not get any good cupping feedback) so I started drinking dbl shots. Drinking this stuff makes me into a roasting tyrannosaurus. Getting back to the swap, I'll be your huckleberry.


Mark...go for it! You and I have about the same number of roasts... it will be fun.
William Sikes
Today is 11/18/11 tomorrow at midnight I will print out the list and draw the names for the pairing of the swap.

If you do now want your name in the drawing let me know by then.

If your sitting on the fence trying to make up your mind, well you have till Midnight tomorrow night.

This is fun as people have said, if nothing else you will get some great feedback on your roasting of at least one of the beans that you roast.

Remember this is a SWAP not a CONTEST, rules are simple after I draw and post the pairings, you will have till the 5th of December too Roast your pound of Choice and mail it to the person that you have been paired with.

If you choose to roast only half a pound then make up the other half with un-roasted green beans so the recipient can try roasting it themselves.

I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette

I'm in. I promise not to poison anyone with my experimental roasting.



dja wrote:
Updated list stands at
So we're at

There is still time to get you name in the pickle jar.


Adding Mark to the list, we have twelve now, if no one else wants in by this evening I will probably move the drawing up so that it will be done by 10 PM eastern time, 9 central time and 7 on the west coast.

After that its up to the pairs to get the correct address to each other, I would suggest USPS flat rate, your choice.

Edited by dja on 11/19/2011 9:15 AM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
David, If you have an odd number...I can do a double. -Scott
me too David whatever it take's, are you stopping tomorrow night?

Maybe we should let it go until right before Thanksgiving.

Seems more are jumping in.

OK you got it I'll let it run till the night before Thanksgiving,

dang guess I'll do about anything for a gal that can make a palm tree sway
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette


dja wrote:
OK you got it I'll let it run till the night before Thanksgiving,

dang guess I'll do about anything for a gal that can make a palm tree sway

Palm tree? When I look at that I see a pretty gal in a grass skirt!
William Sikes

Toni I have added your name to the list.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
only a couple of days left till I break out the pickle jar (should post picture of said jar) and draw names for the pairing.

So if theres anyone on the fence jump in, you have all given coffee away to a friend or coworker I know I have, well the only thing different about that and this is here you will sent it to a total stranger, who is going to send you some of his finest in return.

Like I have said this isn't a CONTEST, but a friendly swap of coffee between like minded people that an interest in the same thing that you do. It doesn't matter if you roast in a Cast Iron Skillet of a Probate. The object is to do the best job of roasting that you can, and to get some really good feedback on your roast.

Ok enough hype, get your names in the list, its a pound of coffee to whoever your paired with, it can be half roasted and half green, or half of one and half of another. I don't have any problems as long as its a pound.

Flat Rate Postal is probably the cheapest, that's the way I shipped last year if you use the Document folder be sure and use lots of tape.

Edited by dja on 11/21/2011 10:28 AM
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
Well I haven't seen any more post from people wanting in so heres the pairings

Mark and Toni

Scott and Ginny

AllenB and JKol42

Sean and Andrew

Bill and Chad

Myself and Farmroast

And the odd man out is Gregman so Scott said that he would do the odd number so that pair is going to be a triple with Scott, Ginny and Gregman

so now its time to send out a PM to whoever you have been paired with collect address, and I would suggests mailing no later than the 10 of December so the hopefully the beans beat Santa.
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
Well as Sherlock Holmes said the Games Afoot. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone that has decided to participate in the swap.

Last year was my first year for doing this and I had a lot of fun, but what was the high point was getting to drink someone else's roast. So for all those that this is your first time have fun, do the best that you can and show off what you can do.

No two beans will roast the same, and no two roasters will roast the same. Enjoy the Swap and please try to ship so that the beans will arrive before Xmas.

Who knows maybe before to long someone will get some names so we can send the guys in the sand some beans and cheap blade grinders, as has be done in the past.

David Allen,
I pour Iron and roast Coffee BeansThumbsUp
If life seems normal your not going fast enough Mario Andrette
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