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TC4 with aArtisanQ_PID
You will definitely lose what Jim loaded onto your TC4C, however, Jim should be able to direct you to the files or provide you the files he used to upload.

I looked at my sketch and how I have user.h configured and it uses 28,270 bytes. I don't get those other warnings though. Maybe that's from version 1.6.1?
I agree with you, that could be the reason, but should it work with the Artisan software normally, or I have to do some modification?

Good work. That's confirming your TC4C and hardware are working.

Artisan should be sending the OT1 and OT2 commands same as if you were sending them from Arduino software. Sounds like a Artisan setup issue.
The effort & the good work is yours, thank you, I am not sure what setup I have to do to make it work with the Artisan? Please advice.
The only critical code change required to use with Artisan is enabling the #define ARTISAN flag.
That should be in user.h?
I enabled the #define ARTISAN already, the Artisan software can read the temperature, and the preset buttons can start the fan, but the fan is so weak to rotate, not sure why?!
Should I enable the #define FREQ60 rather than 50?
If your power circuits are 60Hz then yes. We have 230V 50Hz here in Australia.

Try setting up a button in Artisan that sends a OT2;50 command when clicked. Or is that what you are already trying?
I changed it to 60HZ, but the heater is barely heating, and the fan works but weak, should be there any other reason? Thx.
I'm not sure what the problem is now.

Are the heather and fan definitely working properly when sending the commands from the Arduino terminal?
Yes they are, maybe at night the voltage goes down, should I use 65 HZ rather than 60, or that may cause problems?!
You need to use 50Hz or 60Hz. Where are you located?
US is 60Hz
I am in the US, I used the 60 HZ, but the heater barely works and the fan is much weaker than working with the Arduino, is there a reason, does yours work like this? Thx.
No, it should work the same when controlled from Artisan.

There are two things I suggest you try.

1. Make sure you have Artisan set up correctly.

2. You could try going back to the original version of aArtisanQ_PID. Version 4_3 I think. I'll attach it.

greencardigan attached the following file:
aartisanq_pid-4_3.zip [24.46kB / 817 Downloads]
Could there be anything in the user.h for the aArtisan sketch that needs to be checked?

KKTO Roaster.
I am not really sure, I am not a computer programmer.
I can't get the heater back to work again, maybe that happened after I went back to the old Artisan file, not sure, please advise.

There's really only some minor differences between the two versions. Nothing that should make the heater not work.

Do you have the ANALOGUE1 and ANALOGUE2 lines commented out in the user.h file like this //#define ANALOGUE1?

Also can you try commenting out the #define PID_CONTROL line in user.h.
I have just tested aArtisanQ_PID version 4_3 with Artisan 0.9.2 and it was working fine. I didn't make any changes at all to the user.h file.

This was compiling with Arduino 1.0.6.

Can you provide some details regarding how you have Artisan set up? Are you using the heater and fan sliders on the left or some buttons set up to send commands?

I am just not sure where to get roasting profile like for Jamaican blue mountain, etc. do I have to enter the codes manually or there are files where I can download from online? I am only able to control the heater and the fan through the sliders and the buttons that I created, but not sure how to load profiles.
What does the SV slider does?
Where can I download alarm files?
Do I have to upload special sketches to the TC4C board or I can still upload roasting profiles and share with other coffee lovers? Please advise.

Excellent! What was the issue?

aArtisanQ_PID does not currently support the PID SV features in Artisan. Only the base aArtisan currently supports this new feature. I hope to add it to aArtisanQ_PID sometime. Alternatively, Jim may update aArtisan to incorporate phase control.

The SV slider sends temperature commands to the TC4 and the TC4 would use the PID to follow the temperature (SV) sent from Artisan. But as I mentioned, aArtisanQ_PID does not currently support this.

You can still load profiles into the background of Artisan and use the heater and fan commands to follow the profile.

Also you can save your recorded profiles to share with others.
The issue was that when I created the buttons, for a reason the serial command was not selected only was selected on the fan @25%, I am using the most recent updated files that you gave me with the libraries, thank you!

How can I load profiles into the background of Artisan and use the heater & fan commands to follow the profile?

Is there a link for profiles or forums to share them?

If I configure the cup profile in the software will that create automatic profiles, if that is the case how to do it, not sure how does that work?!

I really didn't assemble the unit yet, do you think if I squeeze the TC4C board inside the Poppery I with the two Crydom SSRs with and adhesive heat insulators, that may overheat the unit, I really want it to look good, but safe at the same time, or that may fry the TC4C board? Please advise.

Thanks once more!
I'm not familiar with the Poppery so can't comment regarding that.

To load a background profile in Artisan, go to the Roast menu and select Background then click the load button.

Once you start the roast you can use the heater and/or fan sliders to manually follow the background profile.

I'm unaware of any places with profiles to download.

Setting the cup profile has nothing to do with creating roast profiles I don't think.

One option that is available with the aArtisanQ_PID sketch is having roast profiles stored on the TC4C's eeprom. There are some instructions earlier in this thread for doing that and activating the PID. This lets the TC4C automatically adjust the heater to follow the stored profile.
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