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When to cup coffee
I was wondering if any of you cup your coffee and when you do it. Can it be done right after roasting or do you have to wait a specific amount of time to allow the beans to set up?
?Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can - there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.?
Sarah Caldwell
I cup right after I roast, if I do cup. There aren't any rules however, the coffee will probably be a little better after some rest. Why not cup the same coffee multiple times though? That would help you appreciate/understand how the flavor changes with time.
"Grind it like it did you some great injustice!"D.L.Clark
Hi Primitive:

First, love your avatar.

Now to your question. If I cup and I do on a fairly regular with a couple of friends
who live near one who does not roast but has a nose and taste buds to be a professional cupper.

We do it right after a roast; I always have a cafe crema after every roast regardless of cupping or not.

We will also do it a few days ,two to four, after with that roast just to see the difference.

I do not believe my personal cupping skills would put me anywhere near a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Aaron is correct that cupping through several days really shows you the flavors of a given roast.

Cupping is a great thing to do and your level of skill does grow the more you cup.
I do not believe my personal cupping skills would put me anywhere near a 6 on a scale of 1 to 10 however...

Enjoy and post here after you do some cupping. It is great to see some interest in cupping your roasts and others will most likely join in if you continue to post.

Thanks again for the post,


Edited by ginny on 01/28/2014 6:20 AM
Thanks for the feedback folks. I have watched vids and read many an article about cupping but never saw anything about when, it's good to have a place where we can ask a question and get feedback.
?Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can - there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.?
Sarah Caldwell
Another thing to consider when cupping is to cup two (or more) coffees at the same time, that really gives you perspective on flavors.
"Grind it like it did you some great injustice!"D.L.Clark
Koffee Kosmo
I completely agree with all the above answers given so far

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
The late Ron Kyle, of RKDrums fame, was demonstrating his drum for a group of Georgia Homeroasters(GA HUG 4). When he was asked how long he rests his coffee after roasting in his drum, he said that he thought it tasted best within an hour of compeleting the roast and again after a week.

He said that after the first day the coffee "sulks" for several days before coming across with its best flavor. The harder/denser the bean, the longer the wait time. Also, the darker the roast, the less time to the best taste.

I think it's true, but as always, YMMV.
I'm used to cup after I roast immediately as well. Don't know if there is really a difference.


nomadjeff wrote:

I'm used to cup after I roast immediately as well. Don't know if there is really a difference.

I just read this and thought it might be helpful:http://www.bobboo...
Edited by JitterzZ on 03/06/2019 5:01 AM
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