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Coffee losing flavor quickly.
Hi all,

I wanted to ask about a phenomenon I have noticed in some of my roasts sometimes. I might roast a coffee with particular notes such as an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Natural process or Panama Elida Natural. They have great fruit within a few hours and into the the next day, but by the second or third day the fruit has faded and become muted or almost disappears.

This may be a Roasting 101 question but I'm not exactly sure what factors contribute to this. FYI, none of these coffees are being dropped much past 416F-425F BMT, so not too far past 1C but with ample time for development.

If I had to shoot-from-the-hip on this one I would say I need to approach 1C with lower temp and ease into an earlier drop temp like 410F or so.

Thanks in advance,

Hottop B-2K w barryR thermocouple mod, Mazzer Mini /Super Jolly burrs, Salvatore E-61 group machine, Aeropress, French press.
Mr. Away,
That Panama Elida Natural is probably bad. Just sent it to me and I'll test it. It's been my experience fluid-bed roasted Panama Elida Natural tastes just like blueberries after five days rest..Maybe its a storage issue? I tighten the caps on my Mason jars ten hours after roasting and let the coffee rest for at least three days..
Edited by oldgearhead on 11/12/2014 5:58 PM
Nate - where did you get the beans from? Like what ogh said how are you storing after roast?

I can't really comment on roast times/ror during roast since I have never roasted in a hottop.

I've found that if the beans are high quality, fresh and stored sealed after roast from those type of beans I get an almost overwhelming berry flavor early on that balances out to a prominent berry after 4 or 5 days.

I have experienced the issue you are having but it was in a popcorn roaster a very very long time ago and it was so early on in my roasting I have no clue what the issue was at the time!
Honey badger 1k, Bunn LPG-2E, Technivorm, Cimbali Max Hybrid, Vibiemme Double Domo V3
Jon, it can happen with any coffee. Not just Ethiopians or Panama Natural. Beans are from all different but reputable sources. HT roasting is like any other roasting except you must plan for the electric element to gain or lose heat slowly, so it's like driving a large ship; plan way ahead for the turn.

@oldgearhead, waiiit a minute, sounds like a clever ploy to get some free beans! Grin

Hottop B-2K w barryR thermocouple mod, Mazzer Mini /Super Jolly burrs, Salvatore E-61 group machine, Aeropress, French press.
Mad Mac
Are you certain you are just in 1C? Darker roasts tend to lose varietal notes quickly. They may be fruity after roasting and then gone in hours. Accurate photos of your roasts may assist us.
@ Mac, believe it or not, I do know the difference between 1st and 2nd crack. Nowhere near 2nd. These are lighter roasts 25-30?F before 2nd C. No, this is a problem that has something to do with very early development of the coffee I believe.


Hottop B-2K w barryR thermocouple mod, Mazzer Mini /Super Jolly burrs, Salvatore E-61 group machine, Aeropress, French press.
As I recall there was a big difference between 2011 and 2012
crops of this coffee.The later was much flatter than the former.

I looked up the GCBC cupping notes for the 2014 Pan Eldia crop and 'blueberry' wasn't noted. In past years this coffee was often called the "Blueberry Bomb". It got a pretty high score though.

Dry aroma- 4.2 Peaches, cinnamon
Wet Aroma- 4.1 Peach, Lime, fruit, cinnamon
Flavor- 9.2 Peach, Cinnamon, Melon
Acid- 7.9- Bright
Body-7.5- Average
Aftertaste/finish- 9.1 Slight earth note in the finish but maintains the flavors even when cool Chocolate does in as it cools.
Total +50= 92
My Elida is giving more of a 'Tutti-Frutti" flavor than anything with the present roast style. I will try some experiments on the fruity coffees and see if I can prolong the fruit past 3 days post roast.

Hottop B-2K w barryR thermocouple mod, Mazzer Mini /Super Jolly burrs, Salvatore E-61 group machine, Aeropress, French press.
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