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Mold Prevention
So the weather's been warming up in East TN lately and I discovered some "grounds" in my water tank. I was planning on (and did) backflush this morning but when I pulled the tank to clean it I discovered some friends growin on the bottom of the tank. I haven't had this issue before - what, other than very regular cleaning in warm weather can be done to prevent mold from developing in the tank?

Also, it's not like I only pull one shot every six months. My Gaggia gets pretty regular use, fill, and refill. Thanks!
Koffee Kosmo
Wash the tank with alkaline detergent and rinse well ( very well )
Let it dry in the sun if possible before refitting and refilling

It will slow the regrowth - but nothing other than chemical additive in the water will stop it
And you don't want a chemical additive

Hope that helps as its what I do
I live in a subtropical region

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