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TC4 Roasting App
Thanks Brad.

I figured it was just getting the right magic number, because I knew the PID was coming on, because it kept knocking the heat back to 0 every time I tried to manually turn it on. I set the fan on 50%, sent the P0 and the heat automatically came on to 100%, just like you said.

I had a basic three command profile loaded on the droid and had the app set to automatically load that profile when started up. It was doing that. Showed the name of it and said Profile Loaded.

I guess now I just need to read all you just posted about a dozen times to get all that figured out in this half dead brain of mine and maybe we will have a fully working app.

I held off until today to do any roasting because I was hoping to have this ready for a test run. I did seven roast today, so now it will have to wait. Looks like it's going to take me a while to get all the profiles and PID control worked out anyway.

At least I have a test setup I can run everything on as if it was on the roaster roasting beans, so I can get it dialed in. That's how I check my profiles before roasting with them. I've gotten it where I can pretty much run one to the exact time and temps in each phase without beans, and then most of the time, my roaster will match what the text setup shows.
Maybe it helps:
example of how to set up apps buttons


I do not know a way to set two or more commands to one button.
Just surprised myself. Replaced the MCP3424 on the TC4, it's working now, I2C LCD and temps in "F", and you can't even tell I replaced it. I've also decided I'm just going to buy a I2C display rather than screw with the one I was trying to make work. Lifting that chip off without lifting runs off ain't fun for these old eyes, and not so steady hands anymore, and don't think I want to push my luck again.
Those analog inputs are very sensitive.

KKTO Roaster.
Good thing I ordered the HC-05. I received the Bluetooth 4.0 BLE module today. Installed it on the third board I had and my Galaxy S4 won't connect to it. My Surface Pro 3 will, and my laptop with a Bluetooth adapter in it will, no problems, other than the app doesn't run on those. I've tried to find an app that will let the S4 pair with it but no luck there. Find a bunch that will connect to it and scan it, but not work as an interface.

Still haven't had a chance to try a roast with the TC4 app. Had to go to south Texas last Tuesday and just got back, and playing catch up on all the stuff I had to put off doing while I was gone.

If anyone knows of an app that will let a Galaxy S4 pair with a 4.0 BLE device, I could use one. I need to be able to run the TC4 app, with it, not just scan it. Bunches of them will connect to it and scan it.


greencardigan wrote:

... aArtisanQ_PID sends timer, at, et, et Ror, BT, BT Ror, heater, fan, SV. So you need to set the input parameters in that order. ...

Since version 6_2, the application does not send timer data.
If needed, it is necessary to uncomment the lines 391, 392 (for version 6_2),
or lines 414, 415 (for version 6_3).
How to start a roast with preheat with this app ?
What do you mean?

I think there are more options, as well:


load roast profile
write at the command promp: ot1;40, send, (or create a button)
pid on
start roast
So you set the heater PWM at 40%, watch to reach the desired load temperature and then load ?

How you create the very first roast profile ?
From what I read so far I can't set a temperature value from the app, so if no profile available, should control power externally, right ?
Well, wrong worded above, by "control power externally" I meant using manual duty cycle commands.

Place my comments in the context I am trying to understand how to use this app without a TC4, for manual control and logging purpose only, even if this sounds as a nonsense smile
So you set the heater PWM at 40%, watch to reach the desired load temperature and then load ?
Yes, but also in other ways.
I do not use a fluid bed roaster preheating.

How you create the very first roast profile ?
Write and save as a .csv file.
See the picture:


From what I read so far I can't set a temperature value from the app, so if no profile available, should control power externally, right ?
Well, wrong worded above, by "control power externally" I meant using manual duty cycle commands.

Without connecting tc4 over bluetooth it will not be possible.
Application sends commands to TC4 and reads the data sent from TC4.

It seems that you need to see logged data from Mastech in Android.
Try csv grapher:

Close but no... crack smile
I did modified the app to work with mastech, not logged dat, but real time USB stream, and now proceeded to the next step, control process without a TC4.

Mastech don't allow download of logged data as csv files, afaik... puzzled...
I'm not entirely satisfied with:

The application does not work in any other Android language than English.
It is not possible to automatically control the fan by profile (for example Roastuino).
Auto zoom can not be turned off.
Dear Brad,

the App works really well in conjunction with a DIY roaster I built from an air Fryer. Having an Arduino with an HC-05 I can read temperatures and modify heat power using serial commands via Artisan or via your app.

I have been automating my roasts in Artisan using temperature-dependent Alarms. And I would be very happy, if you could maybe add Alarm functions to the app. In this way I could perform automated roasting via my mobile phone in my pocket. That would be awesome.

Any chance that you could add that feature?

Thanks for all the great things you have done for the community.

Regards from Cologne, Germany

Coffee roasting is not that kind of activity to perform unattended, imo.
Alarms are nice to have, but not for such purpose.
Also, this app does not allow the phone to go in the standby status, when roast started, so the touch screen will be active with phone in the pocket... a recipe for disaster...
Nicely Renato, of course it's humor.
The phone does not need to be put in a pocket,
but i also missed the automatic fan speed reduction ability in the TC4 android app .
That's why I still roast from a PC.
Sure, already complained about the lack of appropriate smileys for such cases, when is necessary to emphasise sarcasm or irony Grin
Sure, I do not perform unattended roasts. But I would still be happy to be able to roast automatically with my smartphone lying nearby instead of having to use a laptop with Artisan.
Sorry I haven't touched my apps in many years and I am unlikely to be adding any new features.
Any chance that you release the source code?

Regards and thanks
It is online for long time, not the current, but a mature enough version.
Already modified for my taste and needs of those times, to pull data from a Mastech MS6514 instead tc4.

Check here:

Beware what BT adapter are you using, is designed for old BT serial stuff, not for newer almost the norm today BLE. Check if your phone know to talk BT 3.0 before launching in this endeavor.
Edited by renatoa on 03/08/2021 2:34 AM
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