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SR500 How long to wait between roasts?
I roast a pound of coffee, 4 oz. at a time, in my SR500. Of course the top gets hot, but between each roast I remove the chaff, and let it cool as I dump the roasted beans in a cooling pan. So, I would guess that I wait about 10 minutes between roasts. However, I wonder what would be the best option and what are any of you doing?

Option 1 Continue with what I am doing.
Option 2 Buy a new top so as one is cooling, I can use the other.
Option 3 Run a 2nd 3 minute cool cycle.

The only thing that seems to be hot is the top. Option 2 would resolve that as the rest of the SR500 seems OK.
The problem with Option 3 is that I roast for about 7 minutes and Cool for 3 minutes for a total of about 10 minutes. With adding a 2nd cool down of 3 minutes the SR500 Base is running 30% more. Will that have the effect of shortining the life of the base?

Thank You
"If it Ain't Broke, Fix it 'til it is"!
Cool down cycles are necessary with domestic drum roasters (Hottop for instance) to prevent overheating of electronic components etc...
Adding cooldown for fluidbed accomplishes nothing but added wear to blower motor.

1/2 lb and 1 lb drum, Siemens Sirocco fluidbed, presspot, chemex, cajun biggin brewer from the backwoods of Louisiana
Thank You Allen. That was my thinking also. I just thought that buying a second top, which seems to be the hottest item, would mean I could swap them between roasts, but, so far, I do not see that it is hurting it.
"If it Ain't Broke, Fix it 'til it is"!
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