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Is it the temperature, the beans, or ...
Hi - Anybody still here? Looks like about 18 months since the last post...

My question. Can roasting in cooler weather cause a shorter roast?

My roasts last weekend were beans I'm trying for the first time.
Guatemalan Premium Finca Don Julio
Brazil Sao Francisco Estate - Microlot 006

4-5 min to first crack on low for ~2 min then up to medium, with fan high. Stopped at 25% development (first time I'd tried that), made for a ~6 min roast.

Earlier in the summer, I'd dry on low, then move up to high with the fan ~ 1:00. I've not found my data yet to see the exact time, but I know the first crack didn't happen that fast, and total roast time was sometimes 9 to 12 min roast that.

I've been roasting (again) since May when I got my SR500. To keep smoke out of the house, I've been roasting on our covered patio. In the Dallas so there were times the ambient temp was near or just over 100 f.

The temperature while roasting was 69 f. I didn't try it, but I'd think the roast would be much shorter if I'd turned up to high temp and turned the fan speed down.

Do roasts take less time at lower temperatures in cooler temperatures?
Or maybe it's the beans I had? Or ... ?
Only if you had a significant line voltage drop in the summer.
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