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Renovating my cafe
Hello all,
I wanted some advice regarding renovating my cafe. I have a small cafe, and now I am planning to renovate and extend it, by adding more varieties and better options for the customers. I am planning to do this by taking a mortgage for the self-employed. I would like to know, how do I qualify for a mortgage if I am self-employed? What are the factors, (other than taxable income and a good credit score) that should be kept in mind while planning to take a mortgage? Also, since I am expanding my services and products, I would like to more about the different types of coffees, other than the traditional one's that I could include in my cafe, something that your customers always ask for? Thanks for helping me out.
Edited by JackH on 06/27/2018 4:20 PM
Koffee Kosmo
I can't help with the loan because I am in a different part of the world

However my family have been involved in the cafe, restaurant trade for decades
My advise is to choose a menu theme with a small but quality offering that suits the area / location

If clients ask for this and that and you try catering to them you will go go broke quick smart

However what you can do is have a seasonal menu change and special of the day

Coffee offerings
I suggest that you take a barista course to learn about coffee as no amount of questions and answers will give you the knowledge you will require to move ahead in this direction
It's also an expensive fitout

I home roast and I like it. Designer of the KKTO
Roaster Build information

Blog - http://koffeekosm...gspot.com/

Bezzera Strega, Mazzer Robur Grinder, Pullman Tamper Convex,
(KKTO) Turbo Oven Home Roaster.
Here's a crazy idea- build a pool and add some lighting, and your cafe will automatically be #1 in town as long as you provide great food and service. You can hire a pool service company to do the work for you from planning to execution. However, it might cost you around $25k if you're here in Toronto assuming the size of the pool is small.

Regarding the coffee varieties, I think you should enroll for the barista course like Koffee Kosmo stated. I guess you can find one online but make sure you do the course right, not for the sake of completing it but rather learning the basics.

Good luck on your journey.
Edited by JackH on 05/22/2018 5:15 AM
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