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more Capacity out of SR 500
Does anyone have any tips for getting more beans into a batch per roast? I feel 100g is on the small side of what I want. We seem to be going through the 100g batches in about 3 days. I can only roast on the weekends and Id like to roast larger batches. Any ideas?
100g is about the limit with making batches on that machine. I typically wait about 3-4 hours for the machine to cool and then make another batch. Typically do 3-4 batches over the weekend and that gets me through the week.
Why wait to cool? when on popcorn machine, I was running back to back 3-4 batches...
Roasters: DIY: TO based IR 200-640g
Commercial, moded: Skywalker, Dieckmann RoestMeister, Nesco, popper(s).
Electronics: TC4ESP (author), MS6514, USB/Artisan/Apps (contributor), PID controllers
Grinders: Potu ghost burrs, Arco, Xeoleo ghost burrs, Krinder, vintage PeDe Dienes, MBK Feldgrind, Kinu M38
Brew/presso: ALM pour over, Arin lever, Staresso Mirage, Hario Cafeor dripper, Flair Signature, Kompresso, Aeropress, Gaggia Mini
Supposedly you'll shorten the machine life. I have no way to know if it's true or not. Electing not to take the chance.

The other reason to not roast back to back is you'd have to make a slight adjustment to the roast profiles recipe as the unit would start from a warmer point. I routinely dry my beans for 2 minutes at low temp, before starting the roast process in earnest.
Edited by oldwasichu on 03/11/2018 1:05 PM
Already preheated my popcorn machine, never started the very first roast from environment temperature.
Sure, started with lower temp, about 175C, but not cold. So all roasts were consistent.
Roasters: DIY: TO based IR 200-640g
Commercial, moded: Skywalker, Dieckmann RoestMeister, Nesco, popper(s).
Electronics: TC4ESP (author), MS6514, USB/Artisan/Apps (contributor), PID controllers
Grinders: Potu ghost burrs, Arco, Xeoleo ghost burrs, Krinder, vintage PeDe Dienes, MBK Feldgrind, Kinu M38
Brew/presso: ALM pour over, Arin lever, Staresso Mirage, Hario Cafeor dripper, Flair Signature, Kompresso, Aeropress, Gaggia Mini


Dann-Oh wrote:

Does anyone have any tips for getting more beans into a batch per roast? I feel 100g is on the small side of what I want. We seem to be going through the 100g batches in about 3 days. I can only roast on the weekends and Id like to roast larger batches. Any ideas?

AlanAdler does 140 grams in his SR500. He also made a nice mod for the roast chamber that effectively turns the sr500 into a spouting bed: http://coffeegeek...010#594010
A nice mod here that I'm getting ready to try: https://forum.hom...ad_id=4760(Update: Broke my SR500 chamber trying this. Time to order a new one).
Edited by JitterzZ on 03/13/2019 3:00 PM
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