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ESP8266/TC4 Wireless link to Artisan via Wifi
I have an ESP8266, an SSR and a MAX31855 kicking around and happened to trip across past discussions (https://forum.homeroasters.org/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=5471) on setting this up for datalogging/control via Artisan.

With Chaff's assistance I have been able to get this up and running for my Poppery 1 roaster.

I was wondering if anyone has insight as to how to link the ESP8266 in Artisan via wifi? I found this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuyKWOK1Of8) showing it is possible, I am just looking for some instructions as to how to set it up.
TC4ESP is MODBUS TCP capable as I write, but code not polished enough to publish... 1-2 weeks maybe one month.
I can share you the relevant parts, if you have programming skills to adapt to your actual application.
Are you actually running Chaff popc ?
Yes i am running the Popc code. I was hoping to implement your TC4ESP setup but getting the parts is proving difficult. I ordered it all back in May but have yet to receive anything, even after they allegedly resent.
I'm not too familiar with the popc sketch. Does this implement the TC4 protocol, or how do you currently control the roaster via USB?

In any case, a quick and dirty way could be to keep whatever control protocol you have on the USB serial, and expose it on a TCP port instead. Then use a second ESP8266 as a cheap USB-to-telnet bridge on the host computer. That way everything looks the same to Artisan, and only relatively minor changes are required in the Arduino sketch.
Yes, popc "speaks" TC4, not complete, but most commands, especially those related to PID, and reply accurate to READ requests.

MODBUS TCP is even simpler, and the most important, implemented by Artisan for longtime, for Fuji controllers, thus no bridge required, as for MQTT.
It may be easier to just to implement a HC-06 BT module and use bluetooth for wireless connection. I thought TCP wifi connection may be a simple configuration step but it appears to be much more in depth.
Agree, but beware that BT and USB share same serial connection, so switching them require some wiring and a switch.
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