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TC4/Artisan showing "-1"
Sorry, I did a bunch of searching and couldn't seem to find an answer to this one. Figured someone would have an idea. My air roaster has been working fine with the TC4/Arduino Uno for a while now, but I ran into some trouble today.

I finally got the I2LCD enabled sketch to compile and put it on. I successfully roasted one batch, but the second batch the temperatures would both go to "-1" even though the LCD showed the correct temperatures and the serial monitor showed Artisan was getting the correct temperatures in it's message but not showing them. Anyone seen this before?

It's the first roast I ran with the fan at less than 100% (DC PWM), could that have anything to do with it?

I never thanked Greencardigan for bringing the TC4 back, but I've been using it for a couple years now and it's been great. At first it was a temperature reader only for my Behmor, then full control of my gutted popcorn maker. Now I've got a bigger air roaster in the works and plan to use it.


So you definitely had Artisan working properly once with the updated sketch?

It sounds like a setting issue in Artisan. Have you changed any settings recently?

Fan speed should be irrelevant.
Please, can you post a sample of Artisan messages, while it is showing -1 ?


So you definitely had Artisan working properly once with the updated sketch?

I did one roast without any issues. Even showed all the "Extra Devices" Arduino messages. PID wasn't tuned very well, but it worked. See "First Roast" .png


It sounds like a setting issue in Artisan. Have you changed any settings recently?

I added the TC4 messages in "Extra Devices", but didn't change any of the other settings.

Ok, I reloaded the sketch that gave me problems. At first the LCD worked fine, then when I hit "Charge" and turned the PID on the LCD went crazy (see "crazy LCD") but the PID worked, following the background. This s the "working.png". Before the LCD was still showing temperatures, now it's super garbled.

Then I tried again and it started working pretty well but the LCD was blank this time. Then stopped working when I hit my PID off button which is the PID,STOP serial command.

It looks like it just stopped recieving anything from the Arduino?

115 11:12:24.467 ArduinoTC4: COM4,115200,8,N,1,1.0 || Tx = READ || Rx = ['']|| Ts= -1.00, -1.00, -1.00, -1.00, -1.00, -1.00

114 11:12:23.167 ArduinoTC4: COM4,115200,8,N,1,1.0 || Tx = READ || Rx = ['']|| Ts= -1.00, -1.00, -1.00, -1.00, -1.00, -1.00

113 11:12:19.923 ArduinoTC4: COM4,115200,8,N,1,1.0 || Tx = READ || Rx = ['18.1', '16.7', '21.6', '0', '100', '0']|| Ts= 16.70, 21.60, -1.00, -1.00, -1.00, -1.00

112 11:12:19.178 ArduinoTC4: COM4,115200,8,N,1,1.0 || Tx = READ || Rx = ['18.1', '16.6', '21.6', '0', '100', '0']|| Ts= 16.60, 21.60, -1.00, -1.00, -1.00, -1.00

Any of this make any sense? It all started when I tried to use the LCD. In the past I had the LCD working fine, but was not using the PID. Now I'm trying to use both and it isn't working.

Thanks guys!


Edited by jessep on 01/08/2020 4:44 AM
I wonder if it's a loose connection or something like that. Maybe try reseating the TC4 board on the Arduino. And make sure the underside of the LCD connection pins on the TC4 aren't touching pins on the Arduino.

What sketch have you got loaded onto the TC4?

Can you post screenshots of your Artisan setting screens?


I wonder if it's a loose connection or something like that. Maybe try reseating the TC4 board on the Arduino. And make sure the underside of the LCD connection pins on the TC4 aren't touching pins on the Arduino.

I did unseat the TC4 to install a third TC.. I'll double check!
Well that's embarassing.

google gratis bilder

I guess I now know what happens when the TC4 doesn't have IO13..
Where is the (big) face palm graphic ? Grin
At least I thought that was the problem. Still deserves a really big facepalm...

It happened again, temperature dropped out about 3 seconds into turning on the PID with "Drop".


No crazy LCD though, it showed temp and PID % just fine.
One more thing:
63 20:18:23.549 PID turned off

62 20:18:16.130 Event # 15 recorded at BT = -1.0 Time = 01:15

61 20:18:04.098 Exception: ser.sendTXcommand() Write timeout@line 47238

60 20:18:04.098 Event # 14 recorded at BT = -1.0 Time = 01:03

59 20:17:32.567 Event # 13 recorded at BT = 31.6 Time = 00:33

58 20:17:29.563 Event # 12 recorded at BT = 30.8 Time = 00:30
Also, thanks for the replies guys!
Try adding the ArduinoTC4 78 channel in the extra devices setup. Channel 7 is for the PID set variable and channel 8 is for the ambient (TC4) temperature.

Also still not sure what sketch you are using.



Also still not sure what sketch you are using.

I'm using aArtisanQ_PID version 6_7


Try adding the ArduinoTC4 78 channel in the extra devices setup. Channel 7 is for the PID set variable and channel 8 is for the ambient (TC4) temperature.

Ok, I'll add it and see!
I added channels 7 and 8, and it worked for an entire roast, but then when it went into cooling. After the PID off command, but not exactly after it they went to -1 again..
At one point I plugged the LCD in with the +5 and Ground leads reversed and the arduino turned off. Could I have damaged it?
Tried a few other things:

1. No PID, manual roast.. Still got a -1
2. Unplugged laptop to isolate T4, nothing

For fun it also spiked high, up to around 500 degrees this time too..

Should I maybe short out the extra TC inputs? I read that in the TC4+ thread someone else was having issues similar to this. I suppose I should also try without the LCD plugged in, but I think I might have already...

Any other ideas? Thanks again!

jessep attached the following image:
Yes, try shorting the unused thermocouple inputs. Also try powering the Arduino from a 9V DC supply instead of just the USB.

I don't think reversing the polarity on the LCD power would damage anything..
I believe it will display ambient temperature if you short the input leads. At least it did that for me when building and testing the boards.

KKTO Roaster.
Nope, there is no such part of code doing this assumption.
0 mV on input should equate to 0C in code = 32 F
Maybe wrong unit in users.h, that make you believe you read 32 C instead 32 F... but this is too hot for an average ambiental though...


renatoa wrote:

Nope, there is no such part of code doing this assumption.
0 mV on input should equate to 0C in code = 32 F
Maybe wrong unit in users.h, that make you believe you read 32 C instead 32 F... but this is too hot for an average ambiental though...

The ambient was from a test sketch written to test new TC4 boards.

You can short the TC input jumpers to eliminate any possible issues with the thermocouples and show that the TC4 board and other hardware is stable.
Edited by JackH on 01/13/2020 10:13 AM

KKTO Roaster.
For me unconnected TC channels have usually shown as ambient temperature. That might be different for different sketches though, I usually use plain aArtisan, maybe it's different in aArtisanQ_PID. Anyway, for me personally unconnected TC inputs have never caused any issues. Still worth a try grounding them of course, just to be sure.

There are a few other possible ways the Arduino could lock up on a harware level. How is your DC fan wired up, for instance? What is its power draw? And how is the entire setup (fan and Arduino) powered? Since your DC fan is probably not optoisolated from the Arduino, it is possible (though still unlikely) that it could be causing issues.

A few things I would try:
* A different Arduino, if you happen to have a spare one.
* Try letting Artisan run with nothing at all connected to the TC4 (no thermocouples, no SSRs, no ZCD, etc.)
* If that was stable, try the same, but with (only) thermocouples connected. Still nothing on OT1/2 or IO2/3.
* If that worked, connect everything, but let Artian only record temperature for a while, without turning on the heater or motor.
* Then the same, but with the motor on.

That would at least narrow down any hardware issue.
Ok, I tried a few things and ultimately "fixed" the problem.

The LCD is causing the instability, when I unplugged it everything was fine and I did three roasts in a row with zero issues. I didn't recompile the code without the LCD or anything. In the end I guess I don't mind not using an LCD, but now I'm wondering why it's in an issue.

Spent the day working on Mark 2!

Ahhh, that actually makes sense. The LCD would be connected to the same I2C bus as the ADC and other chips, so if the LCD was somehow defective in a way that affected the I2C bus, all those chips wouldn't be able to communicate with the Arduino either. You could probably replace the LCD (and I2C board and cables!) and you should be fine, I would imagine it's a hardware defect somewhere in the LCD.
Did you get the LCD from me? Let me know if you need a refund.
Well that could explain it!

Do you think I could have damaged the LCD when I plugged 5v into the ground?

Greencardigan, I did but don't worry about it. It was years ago and worked fine for a long time.

One thing that makes me wonder. I bought a cheap I2C OLED display that I was going to try and modify the program to use, but never got it to work. However, when it was plugged in, I'd get random drops in temperature values for one or two data points. Perhaps that's related?
I figured I'd update this, I replaced the Arduino and all the issues went away!

The roast is still offset from the background it's following, and could use some tuning. But the coffee tastes good.

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