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Can't get Artisan serial port to connect
I have joined this forum as I am having trouble getting Artisan to work. My setup is PC running Linux Lite with Arduino IDE and Artisan, connected to Arduino Uno/TC4+. The only thing I have connected to the TC4+ is one thermocouple as I am getting it to work in stages. It's all a steep learning curve for me as I don't have much programming experience.

I got the aArtisanQ_PID sketch loaded into the Uno after a lot of trouble with permissions, but I am stuck with an error in Artisan. There is no choice of serial ports - no drop down menu. All that is showing is COM4 and that is not working. When I turn the roast logger on I get "Serial Exception:unable to open serial port".

I have searched the internet including here and cannot find a fix for this, but I am sure someone here will be able to help.

ps I have also tried this on my Windows PC with the same result!
I assume you used COM4 in the Arduino app to load the sketch? Are you able to connect in Arduino Serial Monitor? (Make sure you don't have the Arduino app open when you try to connect from Artisan - only one connection at a time.)


mg512 wrote:

I assume you used COM4 in the Arduino app to load the sketch? Are you able to connect in Arduino Serial Monitor? (Make sure you don't have the Arduino app open when you try to connect from Artisan - only one connection at a time.)

No I believe it was USB0. Its late here now, I'll check tomorrow
I am using a TC4+ on Linux as well.

On Linux the available serial ports do not seem to be automatically populated in the artisan port configuration, so you will need to know the port.

The serial port should be of the form /dev/ttyACM0 or similar. The easiest way to double check is to list your devices in the/dev directory before and after connecting the uno to your serial port to identify the new serial device. You should be able to do this from the command line with:

ls /dev/tty*

Note also that the port may change if you disconnect the uno and reconnect. I have found in some instances it will not be able to use the same port (i think if you disconnect and it can't release the previous port correctly). So, it sometimes ends up using /dev/ttyACM1, etc.

Good luck!
-- Paul

ECM Rocket espresso
Eureka Mignon grinder
500g BBQ rotisserie roaster
1kg drum roaster
Thanks Paul, this looks like the kind of information I am looking for! I'm finding Linux so difficult to work with, it's doing my head in! I hope to get back to this later today, Scottish Time.
Paul, I couldn't get your command line code to work, but I'm hopeless with command line stuff, so I went back into Arduino IDE and found the port there. It was /dev/ttyUSB0 and I entered that into Artisan. After that it connected with the TC4+ and I could start a dummy recording Grin

Many thanks for this - I just could not find this info anywhere. I can now get on with building my roaster.


harryf wrote:

Paul, I couldn't get your command line code to work, but I'm hopeless with command line stuff, so I went back into Arduino IDE and found the port there. It was /dev/ttyUSB0 and I entered that into Artisan. After that it connected with the TC4+ and I could start a dummy recording Grin

Many thanks for this - I just could not find this info anywhere. I can now get on with building my roaster.

No problems at all. Glad you worked it out.
-- Paul

ECM Rocket espresso
Eureka Mignon grinder
500g BBQ rotisserie roaster
1kg drum roaster
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