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19th Century Coffee Roasters
I’ve been taking a look back at coffee roasters made in the 1800s. I have patent data that shows over 300 patents were granted in the United States. This was a very active period with drum and cylindrical roasters produced the most. I started collecting more than 25 years ago and have a little over a dozen in my collection. I think one of the strangest is a steam roaster US patent number 127,654 granted on June 4, 1872. I have added a couple of pictures that I hope you can see. This is my 1st post with pictures attached.
richjh attached the following images:
smith1.jpg hq24.jpg
Welcome, and more info

Cool stuff!
Clever Coffee Dripper
Grinder: Macap M4
Roaster: Completed drum roaster project photos shown here:
Photos https://goo.gl/ph...Da6K4wfqw5
Videos https://www.youtu...Bd1NrdpSUH
Build thread https://homeroast...post_38189
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