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TC4 PID Control Duty Min-Max
PID Control panel, the default Artisan value for Duty is Min=-100 Max=100.
For TC4 which value to use, Min=0 Max=100 is this correct?
Thank you

note: I use PAC Mode2
Yes, the Min value should be zero of more.
I prefer to use the narrowest range of usable values in real roast, instead 0-100.
For example on my machine I have 20-80 min/max for ot1, set in TC4.
20% is the minimum I am using for preheat, and 65-72% is maximum reached in my roasts.
Did you tried to perform any kind of heat control with the Artisan PID? even the simplest, like reaching and maintaining a fixed preheat temperature ?


renatoa wrote:

Did you tried to perform any kind of heat control with the Artisan PID? even the simplest, like reaching and maintaining a fixed preheat temperature ?

Yes, to tune the pid, at first with fixed temperature, then with a curve.
But with wrong duty cycle value (-100/100) my settings was based on the video tutorial "TC4 Pid Control" !
Asap I wil make new tests with value 0/100 to see the impact.
The idea of narrowest values seems interesting, I will try next.
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