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What beans. And where?
Where do I start for getting good bean prices and what beans do I start with?

I'm a casual roaster. Just getting into it with a modded rotisserie oven. I don't know what beans are good!!! What do I try? I like espresso, French press, and pour over. So beans and blends geared around those drinking styles I've liked. I think I like "daterra full-bloom". But I've always enjoyed the full bodied meal in a cup sweet kind of drinks. Aka wheat wines for beer and fine old vine zinfandel or cab blended with merlot and something else sweeter.

Edited by renatoa on 01/08/2024 3:03 AM
Welcome !

Ask them about crop date.
I would not buy older then 15 months, i.e. summer-fall 2023

Coffees also have reviews, just search: https://www.googl...Full+Bloom
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