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Artisan version that works with GalliumOS v3.1?
TLDR: My question...does anyone know/have a version of Artisan that will work with GalliumOS? ... also, I posted this to /roasting @ Reddit so my apologies to anyone who also lurks there.

So I screwed up. Several years ago I managed to load some version of Linux OS on an old Acer C720 Chromebook with the sole intention of running Artisan. I recall it was a royal pain in the butt but I finally made it work so I took a couple written notes regarding how to start the OS from a CROSH terminal line and didn't look back. It worked great with my DIY flour sifter/heat gun roaster and then with my DIY KKTO roaster.

Well, I just moved for the second time since then and managed to lose those written notes. So I couldn't get back into that OS and Artisan. I spent the better part of yesterday starting over completely by finally installing GalliumOS v3.1 to the old Acer. After that marathon session I thought installing Artisan 2.10.4 would be a downhill slide....NOPE!!! I couldn't get it to launch in Gallium. I think my issue is that Gallium stopped being updated/supported in late 2019 while Artisan has continued to roll out updates that play nice with newer versions of Linux distros.

My question...does anyone know/have a version of Artisan that will work with GalliumOS? I tried to find an archived .deb file on Github for v2.1.1, as that release best matches that last Gallium release, but I can't find the artisan-linux-2.1.1.deb file I think I need. I really don't want to regress to just a timer as my sole data source for roasts. Thanks a ton in advance!!!!
Welcome !

Hint: is GalliumOS on that Acer a 32 bit platform ?
Because Artsan stopped 32 bit support since some versions... 2.whatever
Good question! I just checked, it is 64 bit.
Would it fit/work on a rasberry pi 4 or 5?

My 4B is running a 20 year old linux kernal that I refuse to upgrade
This is how is described the raspi build, in the Platforms section:


...experimental build for Raspberry Pi OS 12 bookworm 64bit.

Just curious... if not owning any of them... is there any advantage using a Pi device for this job, i.e. running Artisan, instead an used W10 tablet, for same or less money?
Edited by renatoa on 05/16/2024 11:31 AM
I've not yet researched my options to get new/replacement hardware. The R Pi might be a good option for me. I also have a newer HP Chromebook that is my daily driver; I could use it to co-boot Ubuntu but I'm currently hard drive limited which is another tech problem to attempt to solve. (No idea why the ChromseOS needs 18+ GB of my limited hard drive!!!)

On the bright side, I've learned a few lessons here...keep electronic notes, not just written ones. Save viable software versions on an extra drive just in case they need to be re-installed. Bookmark helpful websites/forums when you directly leverage knowledge from them to make something work.
SUCCESS!!! Posting for anyone lurking or who stumbles across this in the future. I was finally able to install a new Linux OS on my Acer C720. The one that worked was Bodhi (v7.0.0) which then allowed Artisan 2.10.4 to install correctly. I haven't tried connecting my thermocouple yet, but I'm thrilled to see the familiar "Roaster Scope" graphics live on-screen.

I was able to install Linux Lite (v7.0) but it consumed too much of my 16GB harddrive to install Artisan 2.10.4. I also mucked around quite a bit trying to install Ubuntu but challenges with crouton support on the Chromebook drove me batty. MrChromebox.tech's website and software tool was a massive help as it allowed me to load new OS attempts from a thumbdrive.

Anyway, that's all for now.

Roast on
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