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NESCO “Bring out your dead!“: CR1000/1010 teardown or schematics?
Greetings all!

I am new to the forum and am playing with some of the various “vintage” machines that are out there.

I’ve inherited a couple of Nesco machines. One has become “slow”; the other is non-responsive.

The one that is slow, apparently is taking several minutes longer to roast than it used to. The one that is non-responsive, I was told worked until one day when they turned it on and it didn’t work. (Maybe it died in its sleep? Shock )

Before I start to take these apart, I’m wondering if anybody has done a teardown on these and might have photos and/or schematic on this or its Zach and Dani predecessor.

I’ve searched the forum and seen some pictures of some mods, but I have not been able to locate detailed information on the guts. Nothing useful on sweet Maria’s website either.confused

Also curious to know what fails on these most commonly. Seems like the pulley or the motor. Did I get that right?

I know this is a golden oldie topic, but as the peasant said in Monty Python and the holy Grail, “I’m not dead yet!“

Many thanks!
Did you have a model number?
I think this model was recalled. Nesco CR-04-13 https://www.cpsc....ire-Hazard
Burmans had a manual but the link is dead?
Some pictures.

I read a comment about a slow unit, they had to clean the top cover as the airflow was restricted?
Edited by HarryDog on 01/20/2025 6:34 PM
Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the links to the pictures, but those are for the recalled CR-04-13. It’s the squat black one: the “fire hazard edition”. It replaced the Zach & Dani / CR1010 PR.

Both of mine are model CR1010 PR. It’s the one with the glass cylinder and augur.

I did manage to locate operator manual, but no luck in terms of repair / teardown.

Thanks for the tip about the top cover. I’ll pay special attention to that.

DustyDean attached the following images:
img_9957.jpeg img_9956.jpeg
Opened one many years ago, to convert to 220V, it was an US model.
No pictures, but I remember everything inside well, as was yesterday.
So if you post pictures and ask something I can clarify many doubts.

Regarding pictures above, as you already highlighted, the smaller model is not what is known as the classic Nesco roaster, but the worst
fluid bed design ever... no idea if that machine is truly related to "our" Nesco, or just a label theft.
Many thanks for the kind offer!

I’m hoping to find some time this weekend to start the “surgery“. I will take pictures as I go along, and if I run into any issues, I will definitely post. Maybe this will serve a bit of an archive for the future… Although I know these units are fewer and fewer in number as the years go by. Still an interesting design though.
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