Thread subject: Homeroasters - Home Roasting Coffee Community :: What's in Your Roaster This Week?

Posted by ChicagoJohn on 09/03/2015 2:57 PM


turtle wrote:

Here is a link to the video (only 60 seconds long but it has some interesting audio from the roaster).

That is super cool !!! (nice cart too)

That development time fits with what I've been reading. I roast 1/5 lb at a time so I find myself experimenting more from one to another. Can you comment on what I think I've been seeing pretty generally across virtually every sample -- that is, when I start to get over 410F/210C, I seem to note loss of the "high end" volatiles that give more of the floral, fruity, citrus tones and wind up with what I think of as a "flatter" result with the lower end but missing the higher end, so to speak; the bass but not much treble to use a music metaphor. Definitely so 420F/216C.

Although your process and mine are quite different in terms not only of batch mass but also mechanism of heat transfer, your 1C is right about the same temperature as most of mine; 192-196C or 378 - 385F, so I believe there is at least some communality in temperature measurements. So I am wondering what your perceptions are of product you make that you drop at around 205C/401F versus product you drop at 215C/419F?

Also (and this could be a salient factor) how do you brew?

Roast on!