Thread subject: Homeroasters - Home Roasting Coffee Community :: What is next after SR-800?

Posted by Microfiche on 03/26/2023 1:15 PM

I am not 100% ready but I like to research well in advance.
I have a Fresh Roast SR800 with a bean and exhaust thermocouple connected to Artisan using Phidget tech
So far in 3 months since starting, I have done about 60 roasts, generally about 227 g each of 23 different varieties so far.
Pretty much guaranteed I will continue roasting for our own use, I am enjoying this a lot.

I would like at some point to upgrade so I have these options:
  1. higher capacity - at least 1 lb to maybe 2 lb?
  2. software (Artisan) controllable?

I think I would like to stay with electric powered - preferably 120V/15A so I can continue to roast in my kitchen

Anyone have thoughts on what I should look at? I am quite capable of building if there are good plans out there, and I am retired so I have the time, but I can also afford to buy.