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Artisan PID turns heater back on during cool down
Finally got my DIY fluid bed running using a background profile and Artisan PID. I'm wondering what's making my PID reinitialize after Drop. When I click the Drop button, it turns the heater off and will cool the beans for 2 - 5 minutes and then the heat comes back on. Do I have some box checked that needs to be unchecked or it as simple as I need to turn off Control when the roast is done with need for heat?
If your PID mode is set to Manual, and you have whatever Set Value, as is 150 in the attached example image, then the machine will cool to 150 degrees, the PID will engage again, trying to maintain 150 SV.

But this scenario assumption collides with your following background profile statement... which is not Manual mode.

So we need more details about your setup.
renatoa attached the following image:
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